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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EST

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series' threatening to retaliate for an israeli strike inside its territory while its ally iran says they'll be repercussions over that time. as the french dubbed the military operation in mali as a success to bring you some chilling stories from the three week long basile against age limits. and also on the program
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a former cia officer who blew the whistle on america's torture program and is now waiting to. prison talks to us here about what he believes is behind his sentence. this is all see coming to life for. one welcome to the program syria and iran are thrusting into retirees against israel for read a strike on syria into a tree syria claims israeli warplanes hit a miniature research center near damascus killing two while the u.s. says the jets dogs had a military convoy heading for neighboring lebanon point to ca's monitoring developments from tel aviv for. the syrian ambassador to lebanon did say that it was not clear when ever telling a three act would happen and that it was up to the powers that be to decide on such
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decisive action but he did say that it was an option and that it was and would be a surprise now the iranian foreign minister has also said that this israeli attack has serious implications for the israeli city of tel aviv and those are indeed quite harsh warnings what we understand from syria from syria and sources is that the israelis hit a research center not far from the capital city of damascus and that at least one five workers were killed there are lots of reports that the strike hit a convoy of weapons that was making its way from syria to lebanon now washington reportedly was warned by israel obvious intention to strike inside syria this kind of comment coming from a high ranking american official who has spoken on condition that he not being named it is important to mention that a couple of months ago iran's revolutionary guard did say that assad had friends in
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the region who had not yet entered the fray the quote was that these planes were poised to strike out in case there was an intervention in syria but we have no come into it from television also has been no comment from washington from moscow hosted if indeed these raids did strike inside syrian territory it is a gross violation of the united nations charter. and during an economic and political analyst mohammad marandi says israel should take iran's warning of repercussions seriously. but it's important is that the united states knew about their strike beforehand they did nothing about it the european union as usual so is silent about it there is no condemnation for killing syrians two for bombing the country and of course iran will get serious. sovereignty iranians have many means to hurt israelis and to punish the israelis it doesn't necessarily mean that they
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have to be involved directly they could. support. countries or bodies that could make life for israelis more difficult. france is hailing its military mission against islamist rebels in mali as a success but this three week long intervention has also created more havoc in the conflict torn country and some chilling stories are emerging as a local reporter gonzalo told r.t. . grosser there are four of us as betty ellis the war became a real nightmare for the people of this small city in the sago region it was one of the first places bombed by french warplanes before more jihadist arrived sweeping south towards the capital by marconi the french intervention left a pile of debris and ashes that's just the visible traces of the war they left it civilians who were left with the scars that will last a lifetime one family paid a deep price for this conflict against the islamist terrorists one of the family
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sons was killed by a jihadist soldier inside his own home. one brother was attacked by a group of militants the ridge children among them he started running and got back into our house but they followed him one of the children fired at him but minutes and then another insurgent shot him inside the house my brother fell and was riddled with bullets we laid his body in the house we couldn't bury him because we were afraid to go outside. this is just one example of the terror that the conflict is putting mali and civilians through plaguing the weakest the most no one was surprised when india bali once jihadist troops arrived it was discovered that the majority of the military were heavily armed child soldiers. so the french banks mylan government forces are increasingly accused of atrocities during the conflict with the rebels and on l.c. dot com you will find some exclusive images allegedly showing evidence of war
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crimes by the troops and there were also have more stories from people on the ground about how they're living through the western led battle against islam let's see dot com is the place to get. a former cia officer turned whistle blower sentenced to two and a half years behind bars waiting to start his jail time john kiriakou was the first official to publicly confirm the agency's use of waterboarding and condemned as torture so he was convicted for revealing a covert officer's identity journalist although told r.t. his crime was simply speaking out against the government. first of all my case was not about leaking my case was about torture when i blew the whistle on torture in december of two thousand and seven the justice to department here in the united states began investigating me and never stopped investigating me until they were able to patch together. charge and force me into taking a plea agreement and i'll add another thing to when i took the plea in october of
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last year the judge said that she thought the plea was was fair and appropriate but once the courtroom was packed full of reporters last friday she decided that it was not long enough and if she had had the ability to she would have given me ten years in this post nine eleven atmosphere that we find ourselves in we have been losing our civil liberties incrementally over the last decade to the point where we don't even realize how much of a police state the united states has become you know ten years ago the thought of the national security agency spying on american citizens and intercepting their emails would have been anathema to americans and now it's just part of normal business. the idea that that our government would be using drone aircraft to assassinate american citizens who have never seen the inside of a courtroom who have never been charged with
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a crime and have not had due process which is their constitutional right would have been unthinkable and it's something now that happens every every so often every few weeks every few months and there is no public outrage i think this is a very dangerous development. and john kiriakou was also a guest on our the militants breaking the said he own r.c. so don't means they extensive interview has of the case and its implications later today. do you think that the the real people who oversaw codified torture john you are bergen's dollars donald rumsfeld shouldn't they be the ones sitting in prison they should be the ones in there are others even if you just put aside the people who actually did the day to day torture what about the people who conceived of the policy and who implemented the policy were the attorneys that papered over it with with crazed legal analysis or the man who who destroyed evidence of the torture in the tapes.
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us president barack obama's pick for the country's next defense secretary has gone out of his way to persuade the senate has the right man for the job. for his previous statements at the confirmation hearing chuck hagel made it clear he will act in accordance with white house policies if his kind of don't say is approved and also he's going to check out listen to the session which brought some heated discussion but little hope of change. chuck hagel bent backwards to show how mainstream his views are the senators kept accusing him of not being mainstream enough and they kept using the word mainstream over and over again during this hearing chuck hagel has walked back on a number of positions he had taken earlier he kept apologizing again and again and chuck hagel went to great lengths to show that he is in no way going to challenge washington's core foreign policy beliefs as one of the senators put it it was quite
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an exhausting hearing considering the senators were asking almost the same questions and roughly eighty percent of them had to do with chuck hagel previous statements on israel and iran there was so much mentioning of israel that at some point they were confirming him as secretary of defense for israel i couldn't count how many times he said all options are on the table with regards to iran again and again saying a strike on iran is an option an option that he had previously called irresponsible by the way here's what chuck hagel kept repeating throughout the hearing get the united nations behind you get the international sanctions behind you keep military options on the table if the military option is the only option it's the only option one of the senators pointed out during the hearing that in a private conversation senator hagel recently told him that he thought sanctions didn't work and previously chuck hagel voted against sanctions but today's chuck hagel as we found out during this hearing is for sanctions to those who believe mr
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haye go was in favor of direct negotiations with iran as he had previously claimed he was he offered a correction a very vague one he tried to blur his response as much as he could here's what he said i don't have a problem with engaging i think great powers engaging in gauge is clearly in our interest that's not negotiation engagement is not appeasement engagement is not sure under so no direct negotiations with iran here's another example of how chuck hagel had to walk back on some of his. statements at one time he said and this has become a famous quote the political reality is that the jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here i've always argued against some of the dumb things they do because i don't think it's in the interest of israel and of quote here's chuck hagel during this confirmation hearing he noted that i. did i should have used another term and i'm sorry and i regret that i didn't do your use of intimidation.
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i should have used influence. i think would have been more appropriate i should not have said dumb or stupid. because i understand appreciate there are different views in these things it was like torture watching the hearing because it seemed as if the senators were not there to question chuck hagel but they were there to break him because they kept going back to his previous statements and pushing and pushing until he said what they wanted to hear and he did it so whoever thought chuck hagel was going to offer a new outlook on u.s. foreign policy after this hearing would seriously doubt that. and of course are always interested in your view on the topic so we cover and so if you had to r.t. dot com and vote in our online poll to let us know why you think hey girls stance on iran has become more hawkish hear what you will see these are the options we offer you so admitting a strike on iran is a viable option the first option is
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a genuine change of heart also is just a ploy to counter criticism of being anti israeli also he's his stance doesn't matter and as he wouldn't have influence on iran policy anyway all it proves his own claim that no one can stand up to the jewish lobby and let's now have a look how you have voted so far how the opinion is divided so far so almost a half of you believe and thing that hey girls given given in to lobby pressure a third of you believe his opinion doesn't make any difference anyway just a little less say it's just a ploy to get the job and only a tiny minority of you things that he has a genuine changed his position so do go to the dot com to cast your vote if you still haven't and whatever prompters the change in her goals of rhetoric many experts believe even if he wants to change u.s. foreign policy he'll struggle to do so. president obama was elected in two thousand
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and a we you know the same kind of hope to me as it was there with shutting down gitmo and ending these wars and fighting the right kind of wars but then we find out when you know after the deal is done after the elections are over the nomination process is over we continue with our war footing around the world no matter what the politicians come before those cameras and tell you what the key factors are that we need to take care of it be a social safety nets or the economy or or jobs being created in this country the united states will always have money for two things you can be rest assured bakers and bullets we already see the headlines coming out of the mainstream media talking about the sequester and how this is going to get our military we will have nonstop propaganda being you know bombarded out of the people the fear of reducing the budget of the military so i'm absolutely confident that every secretary of defense will have a very very loose pocketbook to spend to keep spending us into oblivion this is
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the answer the hard to get the sound the conflict church in germany at least as well as down south so no one will it says of child the place to hold the headline. also later this hour reports on the risks of genetically modified food but why its main produces might not have anything to war i bought all the bathrooms. with. its technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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of. me is eat eat eat eat eat. eat eat. eat eat eat eat. sleep. wealthy british style messiah. that's not on the telephone. market why not come to find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cause or there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r t. do we speak your language or not a day of. school music programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles kidneys stories. you hear. the choice all to spanish find out more visit i. all tito it's calm. here the reindeer isn't everything for the herders. and when it's not her. people do their best to help go up. the distances or. the manager.
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will the remedy be untaught. this is also a lie from moscow welcome bought in germany washable is that turning the box on the conflict charged with the number of attendees falling rapidly at the save the lack of action over claims of child abuse is just one reason this month the charge dropped an investigation into alleged sexual abuse cases committed by priests and you might find some of the details and these are all of us reported to study. the abuse of trust the destruction of faith the theft of innocence.
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in nine hundred seventy nine i was invited to his house he locked the doors and forced me to drink what i now know was alcohol. he asked me what i thought of his penis which was a wrecked then the priest made me perform oral sex on him. the catholic church in germany is facing a crisis attendances dropped significantly over the past few years according to the central committee of german catholics one hundred eighty thousand parishioners stopped going to mass in twenty ten alone many citing church hierarchy unwillingness to do enough about claims of abuse like the ones made by wilfred the priest at the center of this particular scandal is now being moved to a different parish while this church where its alleged abuses took place remains closed to worshippers but just how difficult is it to bring
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a criminal prosecution in cases like this if those people go to court now it's very difficult to get to a sentence because the richness is sometimes died in between the memory has got lost and so those attempts to get to have a trial usually fail christine pfeiffer had been in charge of an extensive study into abuse in the german catholic church dating back as far as nineteen forty five his research claims that the church destroyed files on priests involved in abuse up to ten years also that twelve hundred victims were paid hush money not to reveal what happened to them he was dismissed after a dispute with senior clergy over what information would be made public the scandal that this research is no not going to be finished. it's causing problems to them as well now they're losing members because of the new headlines of the last few weeks
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there are those within the church that recognize the importance of transparency if lapsed catholics are to be brought back into the flock a woman. living in when we do not make things clear and there will always be an aftertaste that something is being covered up this will harm attempts to get people into church because it is a bad foundation for trust and all belief is based on trust. and one for jaime for wilfrid that trust has been lost he says he will never set foot in a church again he's committed to getting compensation for himself and those others who claim they were abused by people who were supposed to be in a position of responsibility peter all over r.t. germany. and to some other international news in brief this town. has killed twenty people left more than one hundred injured at the mexico city headquarters of pemex the state owned oil company the figures have been confirmed
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on the company's twitter account some people reportedly remain trapped inside the building local media say a gas leak may have caused the blast in september an explosion at the company's natural gas facility in northern mexico left thirty people dead. politicians from across egypt's political spectrum have renounced widespread violence seen at protests across the country agreement came at a meeting attended by leaders of the muslim brotherhood as well as the heads of the liberal and secular opposition movements it was called as president morsi country and his trip to germany because of the ongoing of west at home with the heart securing any financial backing from. a standoff between police and a man holding a five year old child hostage in a bunker in rural alabama has ended his third day the boy was taken earlier this week when a gunman shot dead a school bus driver after he refused to let the youngster off the vehicle they
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suspected kidnapper is a retired at sixty five year old truck driver the boys apparently have harmed. the case prime minister is promising to stand by libya and improve its economy pledges of support come despite britain's own economy going through a tough time and david cameron has made a surprise visit to the north african country defying security warnings from his own foreign office is one of africa's leading all producers and critics say the u.k. has interests in the country are all about a blunt gold so claims my colleague about not say discussed with her is quite a from a conservative think tank the group. and for his visit there is is to show the support that britain and the u.k. government wants to give northern african countries that wish to tradition to democracy although not necessarily in military terms there are other ways we can give support libya algeria in the top five advocate of oil producers together
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pumping out eighty five percent of the continent's black gold do you maintain that britain's interest in them has nothing to do with that i mean we are rich in this facing some economic tough times right now so are we moving back to north africa for that no certainly not british petroleum and other oil companies had interests in libya before. the colonel gadhafi but now that they own genes that hasn't changed is it easier for your government to go back and say well we've helped in the region changes so now we can come in and start talking about how we can work together again. it's more difficult to do business in libya after the revolt but the i think the important point is that whilst tony blair felt that he could deal with colonel gadhafi david cameron didn't feel that the united kingdom could acceptably go on dealing with a sponsor of terrorism terrorism very ambiguous term these days isn't it some syrian rebels are terrorists yet the west backs their cause where do we draw the
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line well al-qaeda is clearly a terrorist organization that is and the rebels in syria geimer made those comments he was he was referring specifically to. or made those comments in light of what happened in algeria and that makes the point very clearly that british lives were lost in algeria. so there's not only threats to lives abroad but there's also a threat to lives at home because where al-qaeda training centers have been subdued in afghanistan they've now moved to northern africa. always there is more news for you online including on gone dot korea allegedly. using. get some of it too but you know i should say it's all me to prepare for fall so i had to alter dot com to see if the korean peninsula is on the brink of a military conflict. and also on the line internet users beware that
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millions of devices are now in danger of being an easy to pick for high cause due to a software malfunction that's been known about for some time. x. rays have protesters outside a shareholder meeting at the headquarters of one of america's notorious genetically modified food producers an old song to protest as demanded more transparency in the company's labeling research and to business practices and made concerns over they saved g.m. crops but adam i didn't get our shareholding monsanto believes as long that such companies financially support politicians and a risk could be brushed under the carpet. these chemicals may be what's causing higher rates of cancer in industrialized nations nations across the globe we know
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have caused tumors in rats that were fed in long term food studies last year i was it will speak during the meeting and this meeting is closed to the public and we one of the things are asking for is in the future this live streamed people around the world care about what's going into the food they may not want to own monsanto stock i only bought stock so i could speak at the shareholder meeting the company knows already about there are genetically modified crops which many say food activists believe make us more reliant on herbicides and chemicals that the company also sells the genome companies give heed massive donations food politicians on an annual basis they are very active in the political system so by spending tens of millions of dollars even hundreds of millions of dollars on elections. that it's not the politicians are not going to prioritize rejecting crops. the first old
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break it's on a special report all roads lead to the to stay. here
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the reindeer is interesting for the herders. and when it suffers. people do their best to help. but the distances are. and the roads are. predictable. will the remedy be and try. the republic.


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